What if the apocalypse already happened? Would you even know?
It’s been a long time since I wrote anything here, and that’s because I have been working my butt off on my novel, which, I am pleased to announce, is finally out and available for purchase worldwide on Amazon (other bookstores are coming soon).
Rammellzee and The Warriors meet Wu Tang Clan and the Glass Bead Game’s Magister Ludi to discuss Leibowitz and his canticles in this Afrofuturistic post-apocalypse.
It’s an Afrofuturistic near-future post-apocalypse set in the former Newark, New Jersey, and it’s about how we know what we know, and what we can do to orient ourselves when history has been lost and science has been distorted.
Rytius is an ex-warrior, a former knight of New Ark’s warlord Prince Feelharmonica.
Rytius’s brother Ritius remains in the service of the prince, who is heir to the crumbling sovereignty of North New Jersey.
His father, the Lear-like Prince Appall, split the sovereignty among Feelharmonica and his two brothers, Prince Koolkup of New Gunswick
and Prince Razorbeem of Silk City.
Their conflict threatens the existence of the state, which is already caught between the greater regional powers, New York and the Virginian Dominion.
Meanwhile, Rytius has become one of the unlikeliest leaders of a group of dissident intellectuals known as the recordkeepers, who have become pawns in Feelharmonica’s latest bid for power.
Feelharmonica turns Ritius against his brother Rytius, and their conflict cuts to the very heart of the rivalry of both sets of brothers, the factions among the recordkeepers, the sovereignty of North New Jersey, the warring kingdoms of the Atlantic Coast, and the future of the past.